
Book Cover Design
Label Design
Book Cover Design
Book Cover Design
Book Cover Design
Book Cover Design
Lable Design
Label Design
Book Cover Design
Label Design
Label Design
wine label design


I'm UI/UX & Brand Identity Designer. 

BFA ( Bachelor of Fine Arts ) graduated from design university.
Full-time freelancer with more than 15+ years of professional experience.

Specialized in :
UI/UX Design, Web Design, Graphic Design, Brand Identity Design, Social Media Design, Book Cover Design, Packaging Design.

I am available for 1-to-1 projects.

Lid sinds: 27 maart 2009
Gewonnen wedstrijden
Tweede plaats
1-op-1 projecten
Terugkerende klanten
Top Level




"Amazing designer! Really loved the design for the book cover. Also very helpful and fast with his designs and changes. Really recommended. "
ProfielfotoarnouJ ongeveer een maand geleden beoordeeld
"Thank you so much! I hope we can work again on your next project! "
ProfielfotoDesigns Guru Studio heeft 27 dagen geleden gereageerd
"Great designs, exactly what we wanted!"
Anonieme opdrachtgever ongeveer 2 jaar geleden beoordeeld
"Thank you for the appreciation! Looking forward to more successful projects with you. Thanks."
ProfielfotoDesigns Guru Studio heeft bijna 2 jaar geleden gereageerd
"An absolute pleasure to work with Designs Guru Studio. They were very responsive and made all requested changes in no time. I am thrilled by the final design. "
Profielfotodkg ongeveer 2 jaar geleden beoordeeld
"Same here. Thank you very much Damian for encouraging through your kind words. Looking forward to more successful projects with you."
ProfielfotoDesigns Guru Studio heeft bijna 2 jaar geleden gereageerd
"The banner ads are ordered are fantastic and won from a total of 81 designs. In fact I decided to purchase my second favorite, from the same designer, designguru, as well. Chris Epsilon Options"
ProfielfotoEpsilon Options bijna 9 jaar geleden beoordeeld
"I am very happy to recommend this designer. We needed a web banner to help promote AirBop, our GCM Push Messaging Service for Android developers - http://www.airbop.com - and we got a very eye-catching design that met each of our requirements. Thanks fo..."
ProfielfotoAirBop bijna 9 jaar geleden beoordeeld