3D Birch Plywood 2-Doors Closet
Request list:
- The closet needs to be made with birch plywood ONLY.
- You can use coloring formica in some parts.
- You can include Nishe inside or outside of the closet.
- We MUST see the birch ply on each edge of the plywood
- Size will be 120metters wide by 220metters tall.
- We need to have 2 small drawers inside the closet for underwear.
- We are thinking of adding a section for shoes on the bottom with vent holes, but it is not a must-have.
- You can do 1 big drawer on the bottom for shoes or do just 1 big door.
- We need a place for hangers.
- We need to have 4-5 shelves.
IMPORTANT: The closet must include the "Layers logo" in any way on the closet, it can be the art part of the logo or it can be only the letters, or it can be the art in one place and the word letters in a different part of the both can we together in one place.