CacaCo imports organic bat guano (i.e. bat poop) fertilizer from sub-Saharan Africa to North America (and elsewhere in the world). Our target customers are (1) cannabis growers who value it as an amazing organic fertilizer full of nutrients that cannabis plants need and (2) large organic farms for everything from citrus to tomatoes and (3) fertilizer manufacturers who value guano as a great organic ingredient with high concentrations of nutrients for fertilizer mixtures that they make. We are trying to stand out and be memorable by having a funny name with "caca" (Spanish for "poop") in it, but at the same time we need to be taken seriously by our more corporate customers. (One possible way to get around being too gross with the logo would be to use a bat instead of poop.) To summarize, we sell a high quality organic fertilizer and we are trying to convince our customers to pay more for the high concentrations of nutrients that our particular bat guano contains.