
In Plain Sight
Book Cover design for "The Fall and Rise of Peter Stoller"
Movie poster for western film "A Girl and Her Gun"
Album cover for "Float" by The Bores
Poster concepts for "Black Ridge"
Cover for "Migraine"
Poster for Brahms V. Radiohead
Create album art for Mingo Fishtrap's new release.
We require a fantastic book cover required for a book called 'Collecting'
The Silence of the Lambs
Loge Designs for Kentucky Divide
Cover for "Drowning in the Shallow End"


A professional designer for over 20 years, I specialize in print media. I have worked for all manner of print companies, from small format to grand format billboard printers, and will work with you or your vendor to ensure correct output.

Lid sinds: 28 september 2013


"I just love his woodcut designs! And he is very easy to work with. To date, he has done four covers for me -- and counting."
Profielfotopeter.sarda ongeveer een maand geleden beoordeeld
"Always exceeds expecations!"
Anonieme opdrachtgever 4 maanden geleden beoordeeld
"Always a pleasure to work with, communicative, creative, and always receptive to the aims of the brief! "
Profielfotowesley_divergence 7 maanden geleden beoordeeld
"Great with feedback and adjustments! Top quality work!"
Anonieme opdrachtgever 7 maanden geleden beoordeeld
"Phil was a pleasure to work with. He understood my project and came up with a cool book cover design that I cannot wait to share with my readers. I would definitely work with him again. He has such cool ideas and great to work with."
Profielfotolorenzogp 9 maanden geleden beoordeeld
"Thank you for the kind words Lorenzo, it was a pleasure working with you as well. Good luck with your project and all of your future endeavors!"
Profielfotojestyr37 heeft 9 maanden geleden gereageerd