
New Year Greeting card
Thanks Giving card
Thanks Giving cards
Product packaging
Toddler Flash cards
Toddler Flash cards
Zoom Background
Website Illustration
Affirmation cards
Bold minimalism


Namaste!! Surabhi here.
Creativity just flow through me. I am all in for all kind of work
1:1 projects are welcomed
99Designs Nominee : Women's history month "Creative women in Business"

Land: India. Lid sinds: 9 december 2015
Gemiddeld Level




"Surabhi Pitti is an exceptionally talented designer and illustrator who is not only incredibly skilled but also an absolute delight to work with. Their friendly and accommodating nature made the entire collaboration process seamless and enjoyable. I am ..."
Anonieme opdrachtgever ongeveer een jaar geleden beoordeeld
"Thank You!! It is a phenomenal experience working with you guys. They are so cooperative through entire project and gave a immaculately detailed brief which was the great help to kick start the project and very helpful. I really wish we work more n more and create masterpieces. Thank you I am deeply grateful for you and the team."
ProfielfotoSurabhi Pitti heeft ongeveer een jaar geleden gereageerd
"Great work. Thank you"
ProfielfotoPrime Greetings ongeveer 3 jaar geleden beoordeeld
"Gave a great design and responded promptly to revision requests"
Anonieme opdrachtgever meer dan 3 jaar geleden beoordeeld
"Innovative designs"
ProfielfotoPrime Greetings meer dan 3 jaar geleden beoordeeld