Titel en auteur
Future Love Story
Annema Cozmoz
Foto van de auteur
Biografie van de auteur
Annema Cozmoz is an intergalactic space captain, adventuring the galaxy with his beloved space princess wife, sharing stories of triumph and goodness for all.
Kinderen, Jongvolwassenen, Fantasy, Fictie
Future Love Story is a collection of stories about heroes and stars of the future. Space captains, princesses, and stars near and far, recounting their adventures and sharing them with you. For their love is strong, and together, we fly in song.
Children to adults, probably most enjoyed by elementary schoolers and up, though definitely a Disney-esque vibe. Boys and girls, men and women, will enjoy this book!
Details fysiek boek
Type boekomslagontwerp
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Details voorkant
I would like Future Love Story on the cover, with the author's name, Annema Cozmoz, possibly at the bottom of the cover, maybe a pear-shaped heart as well.
I am thinking of either one of two designs, you can choose whatever you think best.
1. A simple but beautiful futuristic book cover, possibly a light blue, Carolina blue, navy, turquoise, or bright blues for the book. Sleek and futuristic, though timeless at the same time. Like a futuristic Bible or Classic Hardcover from the future. Could have some stars or shimmer, though not necessary.
2. A picture of a space princess, a young girl, with a water castle in the background, perhaps an ocean or lake nearby. Some futuristic elements, possibly a light pink dress for the princess. I have attached some artwork for inspiration, though completely open to new ideas and designs.
Thanks so much!!!
Details achterkant
Whatever looks best, a simple beauty would be nice.
Perhaps a symbol of M | K or M ❤ K
- Titel
- Naam van de auteur
Details rug
Future Love Story and Annema Cozmoz would be excellent
Kindle Direct Publishing
Details e-book
Eerste pagina
- Titel
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Details eerste pagina e-book
I would like Future Love Story on the cover, with the author's name, Annema Cozmoz, possibly at the bottom of the cover, maybe a pear-shaped heart as well.
I am thinking of either one of two designs, you can choose whatever you think best.
1. A simple but beautiful futuristic book cover, possibly a light blue, Carolina blue, navy, turquoise, or bright blues for the book. Sleek and futuristic, though timeless at the same time. Like a futuristic Bible or Classic Hardcover from the future. Could have some stars or shimmer, though not necessary.
2. A picture of a space princess, with a water castle in the background, perhaps an ocean or lake nearby. Some futuristic elements, possibly a light pink dress for the princess. I have attached some artwork for inspiration, though completely open to new ideas and designs.
Thanks so much!!!
Laatste pagina
Details laatste pagina e-book
Whatever looks best, a simple beauty would be nice.
Perhaps a symbol of M | K or M ❤ K
Uitgever e-book
Amazon Kindle
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Possibly a light blue, carolina blue, turquoise, navy, or a futuristic blue for the cover. Sleek and futuristic, though timeless at the same time.
The book is going to be printed 6x9, around 775 pages.
Which based on Amazon KDP Book templates is somewhere around 6x9 for the front cover, 6x9 for the back cover, and 1.85"x9 for the spine. If you have more experience in this area, any suggestions helpful.
I tend to like Garamond, sci-fi futuristic, and classic fonts, but am open to any for sure! A Silver, Gold, Blue, or White font, though open to different colors.
I want the resolution to look excellent and very well printed.
Wat te vermijden
Not that I can think of, just avoid using copyrighted work and be as original as possible. Thanks!
Klant staat het gebruik van stock toe voor deze wedstrijd.
Stockafbeeldingen zijn gelicentieerde foto's en vectorbestanden. Geef de stock aan als je ontwerpen indient, zodat de klant kan betalen voor de licenties.
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1 x Fysiek boekomslagontwerp
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1 x omslag e-book
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Als je lettertypen gebruikt waar een licentie voor nodig is, vraag dan aan de klant of die daarmee akkoord gaat. Om licentieredenen is het beter een cliënt van informatie te voorzien over hoe ze het font kunnen aanschaffen in plaats van ze de daadwerkelijke bestanden te sturen.