Naam organisatie
Beschrijving van de organisatie en de doelgroep
Liber8’s flagship Precision Emotional Healingᵀᴹ program helps everyone, from cancer patients to people struggling with inexplainable health symptoms and creating quality relationships, to gain a clear understanding of the root emotional patterns contributing to their health and relationship challenges while empowering them with personalized tools and community-driven support to heal them for good.
Many of our clients are going through challenging moments in their lives and have dealt with varying degrees of trauma that they haven't had a safe space to address yet. Our programs help them learn tools to do the inner work to heal from trauma and shift the limiting beliefs and emotional patterns that are preventing them from experiencing more love, joy, peace, and connection in their lives.
I need a 12 page PDF designed with this format/text:…sp=sharing
Here's a loom video explaining project:
Here is a competitor example that I would like you to use for inspiration but I want ours to be uniquely fitting to our own brand and style:
Here are all photography assets + brand guide + fonts + examples of design elements:…share_link
(The brand guide + photography file has recommendations for stock images for you to pull from. You can sue those and others that are similar.)
This PDF is being designed for this 3-month program (cancer + non-cancer, the same PDF will be used for both)…l-healing/
Andere opmerkingen
This will be shared with our customers after they purchase our program as a way for them to understand what they signed up for/reduce any anxiety or fears about the program. I want it to feel warm, inviting, inspiring, encouraging, and clear. It will also be used in sales efforts to explain our program to potential holistic health partners, investors, and influencers to inspire them to sign up for it themselves / share it with their communities.
Klant staat het gebruik van stock toe voor deze wedstrijd.
Stockafbeeldingen zijn gelicentieerde foto's en vectorbestanden. Geef de stock aan als je ontwerpen indient, zodat de klant kan betalen voor de licenties.
Wedstrijd eindproducten
1 x Digitaal ontwerp
Definitieve bestanden
Als je lettertypen gebruikt waar een licentie voor nodig is, vraag dan aan de klant of die daarmee akkoord gaat. Om licentieredenen is het beter een cliënt van informatie te voorzien over hoe ze het font kunnen aanschaffen in plaats van ze de daadwerkelijke bestanden te sturen.
The example I have attached to this are people who we will be compared to just so you know the level of quality I am expecting to surpass.