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Earth's Miracle
Bestaande website
Sea Moss Gel
Beschrijving van het product.
Sea moss is a natural, organic, superfood that contains almost all of the essential vitamins and minerals that one needs to be healthy. It essentially like an organic super vitamin that health conscious people consume to meet their body's dietary needs.
Beschrijving van de doelgroep voor uw product.
People who believe in using natural, organic (non GMO modified) products and are seeking to improve their health.
- 23-45
- United States
- High Income
Visie op advertentiemateriaal
We want a minimalistic, organic design that matches the product.
Clean, simple, clear, organic...
The label's height will allow for the product on the inside of the jar to show, so the color's used on the label should match the color of the seamoss (click through to the amazon link below to see the color of the sea moss that is inside of the jar).
The product currently looks like this:…i_title_dp
The design must match this jar:…hecked=yes
The product is also going to cost more than most of our competitors, so we would like the label to make it look like its a high quality, luxury product so that we can justify the price.
Here is a what our competitors are doing:…nb_sb_noss
Wat te vermijden
Afmetingen van de verpakking
Height: 2.5"
Length: 9"
The dimensions of the label are set so that it can wrap around the jar.
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Wedstrijd eindproducten
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Als je lettertypen gebruikt waar een licentie voor nodig is, vraag dan aan de klant of die daarmee akkoord gaat. Om licentieredenen is het beter een cliënt van informatie te voorzien over hoe ze het font kunnen aanschaffen in plaats van ze de daadwerkelijke bestanden te sturen.