Naam organisatie
Mr. Saucy
Voedingsmiddelen en dranken
Beschrijving van de organisatie en de doelgroep
We are a new start up. Our target audience is the urban community. The hipsters community. and the rest of America. We sell the best tasting Gourmet hot sauce and salsas in the USA.
We are a new start up. We make a really Good Gourmet Hot Sauce, And we want an even hotter hot sauce label. Something new and eye catching. Something Urban! Classy! We are a new and young company. We want to compete with Tabasco or be even better. We want something that'll be memorable, something that stands out from the rest. Something that look good on store shelves and on restaurant tables. A label that will look Beautiful online. A label that looks professional. Mr. Saucy is the Brand. I need labels that'll look good on all 10 Flavors of hot sauce. We want to make our business universal. Something that will Stand the test of time... I would like to incorporate my initials on the label. (bKH) Thanks.. Ps. We want to make a statement in the hot sauce business.. Designers you are free to be creative.... I don't have a logo I want you to design one for me. Art specifications: Finalized labels are 3" tall by 5" wide. Please include a quarter inch bleed. File format: PDF. Please save all text as outlines. Note: Right hand panel containing Nutrients info, Ingredients, And address. I have 10 different hot sauces five different salsa 10 different sauces So many different ingredients.. How do I name them all. Each of my products will have they own name. That why we need a brand... We are a Sauces company... We are in the development stage of this company.. We need a very good Label.. Our products does not contain fat, cholesterol, gluten, wheat, soy, Peanut eggs milk seafood..
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Please look at the pictures below to get all the sizes of Labels. that i need. Designers you are free to be creative....Use your imagination. Be creative. We want something special Something professional. Think about a Label you would buy. I would like to Incorporate My initials (BKH) (Company) on to the label.. We are a new company and we want to make a Statement In the hot sauce biz... The official brand name is Mr. Saucy, though. Thanks... Ps. I don't have a logo I want you to design one for me. Art specifications: Finalized labels are 3" tall by 5" wide. Please include a quarter inch bleed. File format: PDF. Please save all text as outlines. Note: Right hand panel containing Nutrients info, Ingredients, And address. I have 10 different hot sauces five different salsa 10 different sauces So many different ingredients..
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