Beeld van dienst

Logo Contest Participation Fee

exclusief 5% platformkosten
2 dagen

Overig ontwerp dienst

By requesting this service, you secure my participation in your contest. I will provide at least two different design proposals. *This service is only valid for logo (or variant) contests.* This service is non-refundable, as long as the minimum number of designs specified in this description is met. Adjustments or variations of the same are possible during the final round.

***Please note this service request could be refused if there are less than 24 hours remaining in the qualifying round (to ensure the quality of my designs, adequate time is necessary). The project will be completed upon the submission of 2 logo concepts for the specified contest. Please provide the contest link after purchasing the service.

Wat u krijgt

I will submit my designs to your contest as JPG files.

Image file (JPG)

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