
Book Cover Design
Dark Fantasy Cover
Der Ewige  Coveridee Unheimliche Geschichten
Fantasy book cover
Genre Mix Book Cover
Romance Book Cover
Die Kriegerinnen von Taqali Entwurf
Fantasy Book Cover
The Ocean Raiders
Empire’s Agent Book Cover
Friend & Ally by Clayton Barnett
Map of the soul


I love books and Shirt Designs and Posters and photography and.... so much more. Unfortunately, I don´t like to write long texts and this is why this Bio will be rather short :-)
Freelance Book Cover and Shirt Designer for Stuber Publishing/NY since 2015 and of course self employed for my own customers since 2008 :-) Anything else you would like to know? Just send me a message. Only take part in blind contests!

Lid sinds: 5 augustus 2016
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1-op-1 projecten
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"Fantastic and professional designer, will definitely work with again."
Anonieme opdrachtgever 3 maanden geleden beoordeeld
"Thank you so much :) I am looking forward to more projects with you!"
ProfielfotoLabelschmiede heeft 3 maanden geleden gereageerd
"Great cooperation. The designer has implemented all wishes and brought in his own good ideas. I am happy to work with her again at any time."
ProfielfotoJaro Zohar 5 maanden geleden beoordeeld
"Thank you so much, I had a very great time designing with you! Looking forward to more great ideas from you!"
ProfielfotoLabelschmiede heeft 5 maanden geleden gereageerd
"My design gives great detail into my characters! Love the work and if any changes or improvements needed to be made, it was done in a quick manner. "
Profielfotoaaron.lamari 7 maanden geleden beoordeeld
"Excellent designer and very responsive!"
ProfielfotoBRENDANHALLBOOKX meer dan 3 jaar geleden beoordeeld
"Over the top outstanding. FAST, easy to work with, excellent work. Did I mention outstanding? Absolutely perfect experience."
Profielfotoblakdoggroup bijna 4 jaar geleden beoordeeld