
Book Cover
Romance Book Cover
Western book cover
Three against the North - Book Cover
Thriller Book Cover
90's Concert Poster
Contemporary Romance Book Cover
Book Cover
Fantasy Ebook Cover
Trip Book Cover
Book Cover
City vigilante Book Cover


We are an independent online studio working on a multitude of areas in the design spectrum.
We offer branding, packaging, advertising, book cover, illustration and other services.

Through 1-1 projects we offer a more complete version of our services. Hire us directly to save some time!

Lid sinds: 31 mei 2017
Gewonnen wedstrijden
Tweede plaats
1-op-1 projecten
Terugkerende klanten
Gemiddeld Level




"A+++ Design Work. Always a pleasure to work with. "
Anonieme opdrachtgever meer dan een jaar geleden beoordeeld
"I've been working with this client for a while, and the projects are always fun and challenging!"
ProfielfotoProdigy Ink Studio heeft meer dan een jaar geleden gereageerd
"Prodigy Ink Studio...is AMAZING. We continue to use them for our design needs and they always meet and exceed our expectations. "
Anonieme opdrachtgever meer dan een jaar geleden beoordeeld
"I am Very pleased with, not only the outstanding creativity, but also the professional nature of Dani. She responded quickly and fulfilled all of my requests as I tried to decide on several little details. I look forward to working with her in the future!!"
Anonieme opdrachtgever meer dan een jaar geleden beoordeeld
"Dani is an amazing artist. Her concepts, quality and communication are excellent. Will continue to work with her in the future. "
Anonieme opdrachtgever bijna 2 jaar geleden beoordeeld
"Thank you for the fun project!"
ProfielfotoProdigy Ink Studio heeft bijna 2 jaar geleden gereageerd
"Dani and I have worked together on three projects now, and I expect there will be more. She's friendly, fast and very talented. A joy to work with :) "
Profielfotopeachyy bijna 2 jaar geleden beoordeeld
"Thank you so much for another awesome project! Hope to continue working with you in the future :D"
ProfielfotoProdigy Ink Studio heeft bijna 2 jaar geleden gereageerd