
Book Cover design for a Cozy Mistery Novel
Book Cover for a Non Fiction collection of Family Experiences
Book cover for a Young Adult Lgbt Novel
 Book Cover for a Young Adult Novel
Book cover for a Natural Bodybuilding nonfiction book
Book cover for a Product Management and New Technology Book
Gritty and aggressive book cover for a dark fantasy novel
 Cover for a Sci-fi Thriller about electronic surveillance, clones and robots
Conceptual book cover for feminist dystopian fiction novel
Movie-feel book cover for dream-centered thriller novel
Crazy trip fairytale book cover
A feminine approach to post-apocaliptic novel book cover


Lid sinds: 10 mei 2018
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"Super helpful and communicative, and flexible with making changes. "
ProfielfotoCareerCup ongeveer 4 jaar geleden beoordeeld
"Great! Was very quick to adjust to any feedback given"
Profielfotomegandelong123 ongeveer 4 jaar geleden beoordeeld
"Great designer, great result. Very responsive and understood exactly what was important to me. That's just how it has to be."
ProfielfotoSebastianG meer dan 4 jaar geleden beoordeeld
"Always wonderful to work with!"
ProfielfotorebeccaAj bijna 5 jaar geleden beoordeeld
"A wonderful designer to work with, interpreted my brief in a stunningly effective and creative way. Very responsive and provides professional advice to help balance aesthetic desire with strategic needs. I adore my book cover, thank you!"
ProfielfotorebeccaAj ongeveer 5 jaar geleden beoordeeld