
Textbox logo
Mail Box Logo
Clean Abstract Geometric
Negative Space Elephant Logo
( Chat Bubble + Squid + Arrow ) Logo
The Heart Beat Logo
Einstein + Game Controller Logo
Simple Playful Robot Logo
Cute Robot Logo
Book and Crown Logo
Pencil Data Logo
Cute Samurai Logo


Hi i'm Dadio. Its not my real name. but you can call me Dadio. Dadio is taken from javanese traditional language, in english it means "be something great"

I may not good enough, but i always try my best i can. So don't choose me, if I don't deserve it. I love drawing playful logos. sometimes, serious logos.

That's all, thanks for visiting my page, i hope we can work together :)

Land: Indonesië. Lid sinds: 21 oktober 2015
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"Really great and taking feedback to adjust design"
Anonieme opdrachtgever bijna 2 jaar geleden beoordeeld
"Thank you very much. I hope you are happy with my design and we can work again next time :)"
ProfielfotoDadio! heeft bijna 2 jaar geleden gereageerd
"Marvelous designer! Original, conceptual...he walked the line between a design that was abstract but was also transparent and not TOO abstract. Just exactly what I asked for. and he did it quickly and responsively. I am delighted."
ProfielfotostevW ongeveer 3 jaar geleden beoordeeld
"I am super satisfied with Dadio!'s work, efficiency and originality! I would definitely work with this designer again :D"
Profielfotogermaimi bijna 4 jaar geleden beoordeeld
"Loved his work! Easy to work with."
Profielfotodeshv ongeveer 4 jaar geleden beoordeeld
"Loved the bright, clean and simple yet powerful aesthetic in the designs! Dadio was very responsive to work with and open to feedback at all times."
Profielfotolaurendf bijna 5 jaar geleden beoordeeld